This TED-Ed video highlights a quick and digestible way of grasping the basics on what FG’s are and how they can draw qualitative data.
Their final point on gathering “true” data is that there is “no substitute for people genuinely interacting with each other”.
Perhaps a FG mentality can be acquired through delivering Sex and Relationship Education. Every classroom/youth club/setting can be your Focus Group. Allow yourself to be taught whilst teaching...the outcome might surprise you.
When exploring what is a healthy relationship, it is not uncommon for individuals to lean along the spectrum of weighing towards an avoidant or anxious attachment style. This video provides some digestible insights into coping with avoidant partners, while prompting wider considerations around how to reduce personal anxious traits.
Are there similarities between the gender pay-gap to the gender orgasm-gap?!
Watch and listen to Sarah Barmak's take on cis women's sexuality.
After attending the Being A Man festival last year, I was really overwhelmed with a new insight into what pressures men go through in every day life.
This short but impactful BBC clip touches the surface on the impact gender constructs have on men today. Recognition of this issue is already a step in the right direction. It only takes 4 minutes.
An artistic insight into one of the most under-researched areas of anatomy. We are not beating around the bush with this 3 min clip by Betty Dodson.
We cannot have the internal anatomy of the clitoris, without including the internal anatomy of the penis!
2 side notes: There is one error on this clip as the glans penis is formed by the corpus spongiosum not the corpora cavernosa. Also, it is important to note that some are circumcised and some are not.
Please drop us a line if you have an updated version.
Pink News published an insightful youtube clip, with a glimpse into the experiences of some trans men. This video also touches on gender and sexuality, which are not the same - check out the gender bread person online to learn more
This amazing (and frank) podcast is slightly longer than what I would usually go for and I was engaged through to the very end. Check out Ollie Scott, Junior Eldstål and Ian McKenzie's podcast called The Dog Days, where they discuss a bunch of guy stuff (and when I say guy stuff - I mean mental wellbeing, relationships, masculinity and more!).
Explore more episodes on
This amazing insight by Rasheeda Page-Muir, combines an interesting exploration into Grime and the type of feminism Xtensive supports. Empowering both men and women to express themselves beyond gender limitations is liberating and I would love if Grime could promote more messages like this.
David highlights key substances that are currently classed as ‘chems’. He touches on its impact within the MSM community and provides an insight into its relation with tech.
There is a misconception that Chemsex is a substance issue. In reality, it is so much deeper than that. David Stuart and Ignacio Labayen De Inza collaborated to create an amazing Chemsex First Aid booklet - please visit for more.
An interesting perspective into how we could use knowledge about dopamine, to alter our own desires when achieving positive behaviour change. Has anyone given it a go?
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